1.The competition field will be the size and shape of a regulation football field with five and ten yard lines, hash marks, and sidelines clearly marked. There is a fence surrounding the football field, and the bleachers are located inside the fence. The press box is on the west side of the stadium.
2.Bands will be classified according to the number of wind players and percussion players (this does NOT include pit players). Bands may enter a higher classification, but not a lower classification.
White Division A Up to 35 players. Blue Division AA 36-50 players Red Division AAA 50- 70players Silver Division AAAA 71- 99 players
3. Admission for the general public is $10.00. Any person between 5 years old and 18 years old will be $5. One chaperone or bus driver will be admitted free for each 10 participation students. CURRENT MENC AND GHSA membership cards will be honored at all GMEA approved events in Georgia. The card holder and one guest will be admitted free.
4. If the event is canceled, the event coordinator must contact the Marching Band Chairperson and the GMEA office immediately.
5. Bands are scheduled every 10 - 15 minutes. A group must enter the field, set-up, perform, and exit the field in their allotted time (15 minutes). This includes any on-field warm-ups. During the contest, there will be a penalty of .1 (one tenth) of a point for each 15 seconds OVER the 15 minute time limit. A 5 point penalty will be assessed for warm-up noise or playing which interferes with the festival/contest/finals.
6.Order of performance is determined by the contest director. Travel distance will be taken into consideration as well as other considerations. Earliest postmark is not a determining factor. However, we have had to close this event the past three years because maximum capacity was reached BEFORE the actual deadline. Because of this, you need to apply EARLY!!!!!!
7.All participating bands will perform in uniform.
8.The Sound of Silver Invitational will strive to provide the best possible evaluation of each performing ensemble by utilizing a three judge system for marching band. Bands may enter Festival, Competition, or Both.
Festival Band: The Festival Band is performing for ratings consisting of: Superior, Excellent, Good, and Fair. Three judges will judge the band and the average rating will be utilized. The Festival portion is for ratings only (superior, excellent, good, and fair).
Contest Band: Three judges will be evaluating the Competition Band on: Music (40%), Marching (30%), and Visuals (30%). The scores will then be averaged. Any penalty points will be subtracted from the total band score. The Competition portion will be for ratings and placement (superior, excellent, good, and fair, and 1st and 2nd place.).
9.Drum Majors (one judge),Color guard (Flag, Dance, and judge), and Percussion (one judge) will be eligible to receive trophies for Superior and Excellent awards in Festival and Superior, Excellent, 1st and 2nd place in Competition. These awards will be presented at the Festival Awards ceremony and then the Competition Awards ceremony.
10. Trophies or plaques will be awarded to all participating Festival Bands. All units will receive trophies for Superior and Excellent rated performances. All Contest Bands and their respective units will receive a division rating based upon the following scale: I = Superior 85- 100 II = Excellent70 – 84.9 III = Good 55 – 69.9 IV = Fair 54.9 and below
11. There must be a minimum of three majorettes for evaluation.
12. Best in Class awards will be given in A, AA, and AAA division at the conclusion of the Competition portion of the event.
13. There will be a White Division Champion from the A bands, a Blue Division Champion from the AA bands, a Red Division Champion from the AAA bands, a Silver Division Champion from the AAAA, and an Overall Champion regardless of classification.
14.There will be assigned seats in the stadium for participating bands. Groups must sit in their assigned seats.
15.No director, parent, or student from any participating band will be allowed in the press box.
16. All band and auxiliary officers that are participating in the Contest awards ceremony must be in full uniform. They will line up on the assigned front hash mark to receive awards. No other students will be allowed on the field. At the end of Competition, all bands participating will march onto the field via the Sound of Silver Drum Line for the retreat ceremony. Bands will be led to their assigned yard line on the field by an escort. Bands will remain in this position until the end of the awards ceremony for Finals. Please maintain the dignity of this special occasion. Afterwards, bands will leave the field in an orderly manner to their buses.
17. The registration fee is $75.00 for Festival, $75.00 for Competition, or $150.00 for Both. A principal’s signature is required. All Georgia Bands must submit a $500.00 performance bond which will be promptly returned upon registration at the performance site. Please include two SEPARATE checks……the performance check and a separate performance bond. All checks must be received within seven (7) calendar days of the Invitational date.
18. A copy of the schedule and bands performing will be emailed to the director at least five days before the event.
19. In the event of rain, the event will be held inside and the caption of “marching” will be removed from the judge’s comments sheets. In the event of rain, bands will be judged on Music and Visual Effect to the best of the judge’s ability. Color guard, percussion, and drum major will also be judged. It is realized that the event cannot be planned for another weekend yet the event must proceed as smoothly as possible. It will be the Contest Director’s responsibility to make all rain decisions.
20. Director will need to supply an email to which can access Google Drive. We are NOW digital. Judges comments and videos will be sent via google drive. Score sheets will still be picked up on the 50yrd line immediately following Festival Awards or the Competition Awards.
Packets containing comment sheets, tapes, etc. can be picked up on the 50 yard line immediately following Festival Awards or the Competition Awards.
21.All applications with proper payments and signatures must be received (NOT POSTMARKED) two weeks before the event.
22.Cooking is not allowed in the PCHS parking lot. Please visit the concession area which will guarantee future Sound of Silver Invitational. If you wish for your band to be fed as a group at the Sound of Silver Invitational, we can supply you with a specially priced set meal options. Please download and complete the additional forms from website. Payment will also be needed to be sent with your performance checks.